Monday, December 18, 2017

India 8: Love Delhi

Today, I have to acknowledge the folks who made my time in Delhi not only productive, but a great pleasure. You've seen in previous blog posts about trips I took with Ravi and his family, whom I met through a mutual friend from my time at Baptist Campus Ministry at Western Kentucky University. Well, in addition to running a group of homes for children in north Delhi, Ravi and his ever-growing set of friends organize monthly outreaches in central Delhi, called "Love Delhi."

Love Delhi is all about encouraging young people, especially the many young and ambitious people who come to Delhi for educational and business opportunities. At its monthly gatherings in a Delhi venue called "The Attic" just off of Connaught Place (the central shopping district and gathering place in New Delhi), there is live music, comedy, and short talks meant to encourage young people toward finding meaning and purpose in life. For many of those involved in Love Delhi, that purpose is found in Christ, but not for all: the forum is open to everybody, and a variety of views about meaning are offered. Each month, there would be an overarching theme for the meeting, such as "Independence" (in August, for Independence Day), or "Peace."

The Friday afternoon before the Love Delhi meeting, leaders and volunteers would go to the central park in the middle of Connaught Place. There, where many young folks gather after work, they play music and hand out information about the event to take place the following evening. Sometimes they would also go to spread the word Saturday afternoon just before the event. Each time I went, we would meet all kinds of folks, many of whom were looking for some kind of community, and many would come to check out the music (and snacks).
The Love Delhi team (left) playing music to spread the word about the event in the central park at Connaught Place.
Love Delhi's team is blessed with quite a few skilled musicians, including Gary (guitar) and Rahul (drum) in the photo below. These guys would lead us in Bollywood songs, and sometimes perform Christian songs.

These Sikh men politely declined to come, since there would be Bollywood songs. I was glad they politely declined, since they carried swords.

Setting up in the Attic on Saturday afternoon, which is an important task...
Another great musician, on the left with the electric guitar: Joel is manning the snack table...
Caitlin (Ravi's wife), and Kelsey (Gary's wife) guarding the snacks.
...since you needed to be ready for a big crowd:
The room was always packed--and it was a small room. The floor just in front of the stage was covered with people!
Every time I went, there was always a game. The one pictured below involved seeing how much cinnamon competitors could consume; harder than it sounds:
Vishal, on the left, organized the games/torments. One game involved Marmite, which he inexplicably came to love while spending time in Australia.
In addition to people sharing stories or ideas if they wanted to, usually Ravi or another leader, Moses (who works with the organization Youth With a Mission, or YWAM) would share a brief lesson relating to the day's topic, and how it fit into God's message.
Moses sharing at Love Delhi.
What really sets Love Delhi apart, in my book, is how it operates as a community, welcoming anyone and everyone who crosses the path of Ravi and his friends into a family. Over my four months in India, I felt I was a part of Ravi's family, from the day we met.

I got to celebrate Ravi and Caitlin's two kids' birthdays:
Oliver looking forward to his birthday cake.
Norah enjoying all the attention at her birthday party.

I really can't thank the Love Delhi family enough. If you're ever in Delhi, I'll put you in touch with them. They'll make you feel at home. I can't wait to go back, largely because of these friends.


The video for today is one I love, and have been thinking of because I'll be traveling home soon. I'm always hoping I can take option C.

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